Sunday, December 1, 2013

RIP Paul Walker

A staple of the teen movies that came out when I was a teenager, Paul Walker died earlier today.  Most famously known for his work in The Fast and the Furious franchise, the gorgeous blonde actor fully embodied the laid back SoCal hunk we saw often in movies.  Yes, he was mostly a limited actor, but there are plenty of movies that made good use of the talent he did have.  I know it's probably a little morbid to say, but, Jesus H. Christ, was he a good looking man.  I saw the trailer for Meet the Deedles when I was 14 and thought he was about the cutest guy I had ever seen.  This was right at the start of days when you could look up actors on the internet to find out who they are and what they were in, and he was definitely one of the first for me in that regard.  When he was promoting the last Fast and Furious movie, I found out he was 40 and was shocked.  Probably the youngest looking forty-year-old I can recall.  I've heard good things about his work in Running Scared, and many Fast and Furious fans will probably be watching one of those films in his honor.  I would recommend the terrific, underrated gem Joy Ride.  I pimped out that film pretty hard since its release, and now's the perfect time to watch it if you haven't seen it.  Walker is very good in the film, probably the best performance from him.  Pleasantville is also recommended. 

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