Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trailer: Hitchcock

Intrigue was always high for this project, but it skyrocketed with the recent news that it would be pushed into this year's Oscar race with a release date around Thanksgiving.  Based on this trailer, it's a darkly comic, really fun behind the scenes expose of the making of one of the best films and a look at the marriage that the film almost destroyed.  While Hopkins makeup will no doubt be fixed up digitally, Mirren looks like the standout and gets some big actress moments in the trailer.  Johansson as Janet Leigh looks surprisingly solid as well.  There doesn't seem to be any young actress right now who bares a resemblance to Leigh, but the genereal concensus was Andrew Garfield would have been perfect for Tony Perkins.  Another Hitchcock-themed movie hits HBO next weekend:  The Girl, with Toby Jones as Hitchcock and Sienna Miller as Tippi Hedren.  That film will chronicle the filming of The Birds and Marnie and how the director psychologically tortured his leading lady. 

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