Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Box: Boogie Knights

1. Brave - $37m / $137m / $210m
2. Magic Mike - $30m / $30m / $110m
3. Ted - $28m / $28m / $75m
4. Madea's Witness Protection - $25m / $25m / $62m
5. Madagascar 3 - $12m / $181m / $208m
6. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - $7m / $31m / $45m
7. People Like Us - $6m / $6m / $20m
8. Prometheus - $5m / $118.5m / $130m
9. Snow White and the Huntsman - $4.5m / $146m / $156m
10. The Avengers - $4m / $606.5m / $617m
11. Rock of Ages - $4m / $36.5m / $45m
12. That's My Boy - $4m / $36.5m / $45m
13. Moonrise Kingdom - $4m / $17.5m / $38m

Three of the four openers should create a pretty nice pre-Holiday weekend.  The last Madea movie came out over Easter last year, opening to mid 20's and finishing in low 50's.  High summer weekdays should get its total past that, but it looks like this franchise has run its course.  Ted will depend on just how big the MacFarlane fanbase is, and it has some of the most aggressive advertising for a non-tentpole this summer.  It could go higher.  The Family Guy audience will get it a big opening, but crossover appeal looks minimal.  Moonrise Kingdom keeps chugging along and will apparently go wide next weekend. 

As for Magic Mike and not to go all Meryl Streep on everyone, but hopefully this is another lesson to studios that releasing modestly budgeted films that appeal to a large female audience as well as gay men can yield big rewards.  Summers past proved this many a time: Bridesmaids, Sex and the City, The Devil Wears Prada.  To name just a few. 

I just wish the movie had a slightly different cast.  Get rid of McConaughey.  And Pettyfer.  In fact, rid them from movies altogether. 

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