Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Horrorfest: You Might Be a Redneck If....

(Declan O'Brien, 2011)
Since I've seen all the other Wrong Turn movies... The first one I saw in a theatre alone (most people who saw it theatrically were probably the only ones in the theatre) and rather enjoyed it. I'll admit that backwoods cannibal redneck movies are my #1 guilty pleasure. The second film (straight to dvd) is watchably bad, but picks up as it goes along till it actually becomes decent in its final act. The third film was just bad. This one lies somewhere in the middle of part 2 & 3, if closer to #3 in quality. There's a lot to dislike: really annoying characters, bad acting, an interracial lesbian couple who can do nothing but have sex. Why are there never gay male couples in these things? I digress. The gore is gross, you can spot the Final Girl a mile away and god was she annoying. I liked the wintry setting and the inbred cannibals did their job effeciently. It's a prequel, but doesn't really take advantage of that story-wise. All the sordid charms of the original have been replaced by typical annoyances of d2DVD horror fodder. GRADE: D+

(Kevin Smith, 2011?)
Not quite a horror movie, even if Smith somewhat promised it was. Turns into an Oliver Stone-esque semi-action film about a third of the way in. Three teens are led to a trailer with the promise of sex but end up kidnapped by Phelps-esque church that wants to eradicate them for their sins. Michael Parks is chillingly accurate as the pastor, Melissa Leo perfectly nutjob as his daughter. John Goodman, always perfect, rounds out the cast as the SWAT team captain who wants to bring them in. I think the idea for this film would have been perfect for a horror film, unfortunately its almost like Smith chickened out and went with too many action cliches. Shakey cam abounds. The ending is the only time Smith's usual humor rears its head, and I found that unfortunate. Despite my qualms with the direction of the story, his dialogue and skill with the veteran actors is excellent. I have to give him credit for doing a film that will hopefully spark a lot of debate, even if it does at times feel like he went a somewhat safe route. GRADE: B

Melissa Leo in Red State / Melissa Leo Winning an Oscar

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