Thursday, October 27, 2011

Horrorfest: TV Stuff

The Walking Dead
Ep 2.1 "What Lies Ahead": A-
Ep 2.2 "Bloodletting": B+
Season 2 has so far been more consistent and more of what this should be than what season 1 was. Outside of the pilot, season 1 was all over the place - some greatness, some really bad moments, but mostly a lot of "where is this going?" and "stop trying to be like Lost." That being said, all that could come to an end with episode three, the first non-Darabont episode. The show has been hinting at fixing its largest problem: the bland story and acting of its three leads. Stick with Jeff DeMunn and Laurie Holden because their aces. The set piece from the season's first episode, in which our survivors hide from a herd of walkers on a highway, was one of the most thrilling moments TV has offered in recent memory. Granted, I don't watch much if any of "serious TV."

Ep 1.5 "Halloween": B-
Despite being down on this show outside of its pitch perfect pilot, I've stuck with it because a) there's nothing else on. b) Jane Levy is terrific and a genuine find. c) Cheryl Hines was dead on when she said on Chelsea Lately the other week that Jeremy Sisto is a total DILF. d) I rather love Cheryl's character. It has some nice sataric touches here and there, but mostly the "city vs. suburbia" mentality that dominates it is already old. Anytime Levy does her parody of a suburban girl sipping Red Bull from a straw while calling someone 'bitch', it always makes me laugh.

Happy Endings
Ep 2.5 "Spooky Endings": B+
I've become aware that everyone is now becoming aware of this really funny little show. If you like trials and tribulations of late twentysomethings, rapid fire dialogue, sarcastic people and tons of pop culture references, you've found your Holy Grail. Episodes 2 and 4 of season 2 have been borderline perfect, while this is an enjoyable Halloween episode of a series. Not quite a classic, though they are slowly fixing the series one major problem: that Zachary Knighton and Elisha Cuthbert's characters and performances aren't nearly as strong as their costars.

Ep 3.5 "Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps": A-
I wish this was an hour long. If it was, it could have been as great as last year's zombie episode and ranked among TV's all time Halloween classics. Gillian Jacobs has slowly emerged as MVP now that the writers know how to write for her correctly. The setup to this ep, in which everyone basically tells some variation of a scary story, is about too much for the half hour format. Abed's deadpan story and Shirley's fire and brimstone were easily the best. Jacobs was great with Pudi. As they stared at each other awaiting the serial killer while the awkward music played, that was probably the hardest I've laughed at a show in some time. I think of all the shows currently on air, this is probably the one that can most pull off a Simpsons' 'Treehouse of Horror' style episode. Keep that in mind for senior year, and make it an hour long.

Park and Recreation
Ep 4.5 "Meet'n'Greet": B
Are we going to witness a relationship between Ann and Ron? That would certainly be interesting? I'm glad it seems the Entertainment 720 plot seems to be done, as it was a little too unreal for this show. There was lots of nice little moments, but I really wanted Oren to do something crazy at the party. Ben and Andy's story was this episode's best, and I like how they've dealt with just how sad Ben is over and his breakup with Leslie. Last episode's shot of him sitting on a bench eating soup was just as funny and pathetic as Donna pointed it out to be. April's costume was brilliant, and she had a lot of use of her trademark smirk.

Re: American Horror Story. I really want to watch this, it just never quite fit in. It doesn't help that I'm apparently losing FX after Monday. Thanks DirecTV! I'll check out when it comes to DVD.

ABC reran Modern Family's Emmy-winning Season 2 "Halloween" episode. I was looking forward to a new Halloween ep, but that episode is about as perfect a Halloween ep a TV show can do.

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