Saturday, January 15, 2011

Canadian Scream 4 Full Trailer

Happy 3 months to go everybody!

With that in mind, the Canadian Scream 4 trailer is now online. A lot of people have had difficulty playing it, and it was pretty choppy (no pun intended) for me. That being said, what I saw looked and sounded great. The dialogue has a nice snap to it, and I was surprised just how comedic it looked. The Dewey/Gale "it is?" bit, in particular, was hilarious. I'd say the first third of the trailer almost made it look like a comedy. My fave bit of the entire thing was Hayden naming every horror remake she could. She named some even I forgot. Looks like the big focus of the film will be the endless amount of remakes in recent years. With this arrival, the American full trailer shouldn't be far off. If this one hits YouTube or has an easier to play version, I'll post it.

One more thing: RED. RIGHT. HAND.


Ok, It is on Youtube: Here's the link:
Hopefully, its on for awhile.

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