Saturday, October 2, 2010

Horrorfest '10

I really don't like that this decade starts with a one. That doesn't make events sound very fun. Horrorfest 83 or Horrorfest O-NINE sound awesome. Horrorfest 10 has no ring. Anywho, here is my first entry in a monthlong journal of reviews for horror films I shall be watching.

October 1 started out with....

Looking back, I have no idea why I watched this. I swore several people said it was good. Or maybe it was just that I heard it had creatures. I don't know. I'm regretting this decision. Surely I could have found something better to kick off this month's horror marathon with. This film is basically The Descent meets Event Horizon meets Alien only all of those are better. Much better. It felt like I was watching the same scenes over and over. Jesus, I had to turn the sound down on this shit like seven times. Shocking considering I'm one of those who usually thinks the louder the better. It wasn't sound it was just noise. Ben Foster and Dennis Quaid wake up on a spaceship with no memory of how they got there and soon learn that are not alone. Simple premise, but good filmmakers can do a lot with those. These filmmakers did not. Its one of those films where we have random stuff popout with the loudest (..and Darren turns it down again!) noise to make you jump only it never worked. Well, it made me jump for the remote. At some point Cam Gigandet shows up. You'd think Ben + Dennis + Cam in a spaceship would be hot but we're also treated to the monsters from The Descent who are now in space. And apparently stopped in a heavy metal video in between. GRADE: C-


Barely released in theatres earlier this year, After(DOT)Life focuses on Christina Ricci's schoolteacher character who after all but dumping her boyfriend (Justin Long) wakes up dead (hello Scary Movie 4) in a funeral parlor owned by mortician Liam Neeson. He seems to be the only one that works there. Soon, she's wondering if she's actually dead or if Neeson is just fucking with her. I was expecting something along the lines of Carnival of Souls but it doesn't really go that route and plays it closer to a straight thriller with supernatural suggestions. Ricci does what she can with the thinly written role, but Neeson really owns this. Probably one of the best performances I've seen from him - the perfect blend of creepy and calm. Its a very good premise for a movie, but mostly left me a bit detached. I admired it up to a point as it is competently shot and does pull you in a bit toward the end, but I didn't care much for the main character or what was happening to her. And the subplot with one of her students doesn't amount to much. GRADE: C+

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