Monday, February 4, 2013

So long, 30 Rock!

I finally saw the finale of one of the new millenium's best comedy series.  I thought it was a great sendoff to a show I'm very much going to miss.  It took forever to dawn on me that it really was the end for the zany meta-comedy, and there were several effective emotional moments to go along with the outrageous laughter.  I guess given the SNL connection, it just felt like something that would be on forever.  The Emmy's should skip another Modern Family victory in favor of rewarding 30 Rock with a fourth Comedy Series Emmy.  Tina and Alec should also be given their final trophies, and would it kill the television Academy to finally given Jane Krakowski her due.  (Her character's revelation that she never actually met Mickey Rourke was my favorite moment of the last episode, aside from the "Rural Juror" song.)  Even in its lesser episodes, the show always produced at least one laugh out loud moment and several chuckles.  I'll miss all the guest stars, breaking of the fourth wall, in jokes, NBC bashing, blergs and phlerms. 

That, and "Never go with a hippie to a second location."

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