Thursday, December 6, 2018

76th Globe Noms Reaction

Some big snubs, while Vice and Green Book both kind of over-performed. Everything else seemed to miss a nom or 2:

ASIB missed Screenplay and Elliot.
Favourite missed Director. That's a truly bizarre snub.
MPR missed Song - that's a genuine shock!
IBSCT missed Score.
Foy getting in while Gosling misses is a surprise.

And god damn with the amount of new series the Globes can't keep up. Bravo for The Americans and Outlander which may be the only shows beyond a third season to get nominated? (Other than the revivals.)

Damn, I nailed the Comedy categories.

Most of the buzz from insiders was wrong with the exception of them being big on Bohemian Rhapsody.

Rosamund Pike was probably, as far as actors go, the big surprise of the morning. That Drama - Actress lineup was really crazy, though.

Ethan Hawke makes sense as the "misses Globe nom, still gets Oscar nom". First Reformed is very much NOT a Globes movie.

I think the amount of acclaimed performances from this year means there might not be many similar lineups throughout the season. I hope so, at least.

Widows appears to be dead, but could still get a SAG Ensemble nod next week.

Congrats Regina King and Amy Adams on double nods. I suspect King takes Supporting and Adams takes Actress Limited/Movie.

They didn't like Maniac at all.

(Sidenote: This is the first time in a good while I've seen the third and fourth hour of The Today Show. The third hour was particularly painful. I had no idea who any of those people were. And can they seriously stop it with the "How has anyone seen these movies?!?!? They aren't out yet?!?!" You get fucking screeners, dumbass. You then proceeded to talked about binge watching your screeners. Jesus H. Christ.)

Congrats Nicole Kidman on her 13th Golden Globe nomination. As fluid as that actress category is, she might be able to add another Oscar nomination. Someone compared her nomination to Denzel's Roman J. Israel noms, and that kinda makes sense.


MP-Drama: 4/5 (+alt)
MP-C/M: 5/5
Director: 3/5
Screenplay: 4/5 (can't believe I forgot Roma!)
Lead Actor - D: 3/5 (+alt)
Lead Actress - D: 3/5
Lead Actor - CM: 5/5
Lead Actress - CM: 5/5
Supp. Actor: 4/5
Supp. Actress: 4/5 (+alt)
Foreign Language FIlm: 3/5
Score: 3/5
Song: 3/5 (alt)
Animated Feature: 4/5

TV-D: 3/5
TV-CM: 3/5 (+alt)
TV:LS/TVM: 4/5
Actor-D: 2/5
Actress-D: 4/5
Actor-CM: 4/5 (+alt)
Actress-CM: 2/5 (+alt)
Actor-LS: 3/5
Actress-LS: 4/5
Supp Actor: 3/5
Supp Actress: 4/5 (+alt)


Last year I did 88/125. LOL. Improved 1.
2016: 88/126
2015: 84/127

I think this might be my best showing for the film side. It helped nailing the three comedy categories.

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