Wednesday, December 14, 2016

SAG Thoughts

LOL Emily Blunt.

I wish I could have recorded my laugh when she was nominated. It was quite something. That's probably the only genuine surprise of the morning as far as film goes. That and Captain Fantastic making Ensemble. La La Land missing isn't too surprising given it's a two-hander. What's funny is that the Globes brought the craziness and SAG brought everything back down to earth. That feels like how things used to be, and it seems like many of the races might now be set unless BAFTA throws some major curve balls.

As for TV, they brought in some new blood. It's quite clear, though, that SAG voters really love their Netflix. The drama categories, in particular, are actually filled with shows on their first seasons.

And NO DAMES! Helen and Maggie missed. (Outside of Downton's ensemble nod.)


Male - Movie/Limited: 4/5 (+alt)
Female - Movie/Limited: 4/5
Male - Comedy: 4/5
Female - Comedy: 3/5 (+alt)
Male - Drama: 3/5
Female - Drama: 2/5
Comedy: 4/5 (+alt)
Drama: 3/5 (+alt)
TV: 27/40 67.5%

Male - Supporting: 4/5 (+alt)
Female - Supporting: 4/5 (+alt)
Male - Leading: 4/5 (+alt)
Female - Leading: 4/5
Ensemble: 3/5
Film: 19/25 76%

46/65 = 70.8%

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