Monday, August 31, 2015

Wes Craven (1939 - 2015)

Well, I certainly didn't want to write this.

Wes Craven has died. I'd imagine if you've been to this blog before and/or have any knowledge of who I am as a person, you would have an idea how devastating this is to me. In 10th grade, we were required in English class to do a presentation on someone we admired. I chose Wes. The scoffs and strange looks I got when announcing this is who would be my subject did not go unnoticed. When asked why I chose Wes, I simply said that he's endured a career in making movies for decades and did things (mostly) the way he wanted to. It was much bigger than that and something the 16-year-old me probably didn't quite understand at the time. Now, I see things a little more clearly.

Why I admire Wes and why I'm such a horror fan is actually quite simple: they prove that even in the most dire, scary and uncertain circumstances, life and love are worth fighting for. They allow us to face our own all-too-real demons. They show us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And no matter who we lose along the way, no matter how much kicking and screaming we have to do to get through it, no matter how bloody we emerge at the end, the fight is worth it.

I could go into more about Wes, but Hollywood Reporter has a nice obituary so I'll just link to that. There are a few tweets from people who worked with him, people who I grew up admiring. It's weird to think that we're all older now. It's comforting knowing that when people hear the name Wes Craven, it takes them back to late weekend nights staying up too late watching his movies with our friends.

You made me scream. You gave me nightmares. You gave me the strength to face a world that gets a little too scary sometimes.

Thank you, Wes.

I'll see you in the sequel.

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