Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Announced tomorrow morning, in case you didn't know.

Anna Karenina - Life of Pi - Lincoln - The Master - Skyfall
Alt: Zero Dark Thirty
Despite the divisive nature of The Master, it should still show in this category.  Django could also spoil.  Despite the ASC nom, I don't expect Les Miserables to be nominated. 
Anna Karenina - Les Miserables - Lincoln - Mirror Mirror - A Royal Affair
Alt: Django Unchained
Snow White and the Huntsman has a chance.  The other movies will have stronger support, even if this is a category where lots of films receive their sole nominations. 
Argo - Django Unchained - Life of Pi - Lincoln - Zero Dark Thirty

Alt: Skyfall
I'll cut a bitch if Les Miserables shows up here.  Skyfall is something that could easily receive 5-6 nods, but might also only get in a couple categories.  Predicted Silver Linings briefly, but then took it out. 

The Hobbit - Lincoln - Men In Black 3
Alt: Les Miserables
The bakeoff consisted of the above 4, Hitchcock, Looper and Snow White and the Huntsman.  Yes, shockingly no Cloud Atlas.  That seemed like an easy win.  Bleh.
Anna Karenina - Django Unchained - The Hobbit - Les Miserables - Lincoln

Alt: The Master
I kept forgetting about The HobbitCloud Atlas is another possibility.  I'd love for Moonrise Kingdom to get in here. 
The Dark Knight Rises - Les Miserables - Life of Pi - Skyfall - Zero Dark Thirty
Alt: The Avengers
The Avengers - The Dark Knight Rises - Life of Pi - Skyfall - Zero Dark Thirty
Alt: Django Unchained
 Any film that's a major threat for Best Picture, any action movie, any blockbuster, any musical and any animated film should always be under consideration for either of these categories.  There's almost too many options this year. 
The Avengers - The Dark Knight Rises - The Hobbit - Life of Pi - Prometheus
Alt: Cloud Atlas
The bakeoff consisted of the above 6, The Amazing Spider-Man, John Carter, Skyfall and Snow White and the Huntsman.

Anna Karenina - Argo - Cloud Atlas - Life of Pi - Lincoln
Alt: Zero Dark Thirty
More options: Beasts of the Southern Wild and The Master.  It makes me mad those forgettable Argo and Lincoln scores will get in based on the popularity of their films.  Blech.  Cloud is probably wishful thinking. 
"Learn Me Right" - Brave
"Who Did That To You?" - Django Unchained
"Suddenly" - Les Miserables
"Still Alive" - Paul Williams Still Alive
"Skyfall" - Skyfall
Alt: "Breath of Life" - Snow White and the Huntsman
There's about 70ish songs on the bakeoff list, and about half of them could easily score a nomination.  That includes, God help us, "Wide Awake" from Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D.  Yes, Katy could be an Oscar nominee in the morning.  I have no idea about this "Still Alive" song, but everyone else is predicting it.  This is also The Hunger Games best chance at a nomination, with the Arcade Fire's "Abraham's Daughter". 
Brave - Frankenweenie - The Painting - ParaNorman - Wreck-It Ralph
Alt: Rise of the Guardians
I don't really know what The Painting is, but something foreign seems to always slip in the lineup.  Go ParaNorman!
Bully - The Gatekeepers - How To Survive a Plague - The Imposter - Searching For Sugar Man
Alt: The Invisible War
Shot in the dark, as always. 
Amour - The Intouchables - Kon-Tiki - No - War Witch
Alt: A Royal Affair
Second shot in the dark.  Did I hit anything?
Argo - Beasts of the Southern Wild - Life of Pi - Lincoln - Silver Linings Playbook
Alt: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Slight chance that Perks might knock out Pi, instead of Beasts.  
Amour - Django Unchained - The Master - Moonrise Kingdom - Zero Dark Thirty
Alt: Looper
Probably of all the top 8 categories, this is the one I'm more certain of.  A potential surprise: Middle of Nowhere
Ben Affleck - Argo
Quentin Tarantino - Django Unchained
Ang Lee - Life of Pi
Steven Spielberg - Lincoln
Kathryn Bigelow - Zero Dark Thirty
Alt: Tom Hooper - Les Miserables
Ben, Steven and Kathryn are in.  Easy, despite Spielberg's BAFTA snub.  Ang Lee, being a previous winner and clearly loved by the Academy, is probably safe.  The last slot is up for grabs.  Outside of Tarantino and Hooper, there's the chance that an auteur might surprise: Haneke, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson.  Maybe David O. Russell, depending how well Silver Linings is liked.  That being said, given the divisive nature of his film and how much of its faults are blamed on him, I'm sitting Hooper out.  Tarantino gets in based on his film becoming a huge hit at just the right time. 
Regarding the acting categories, there are 12 people who have scored BFCA + Globe + SAG + BAFTA = Cooper, Day-Lewis, Jackman, Chastain, Cotillard, Lawrence, Arkin, Hoffman, Jones, Field, Hathaway and Hunt.  The only person to hit all of the precursors and not make it Oscar nomination morning was Tilda Swinton last year.  So, given history usually falls on the side of getting nominated, everyone above is safe. 
Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
John Hawkes - The Sessions
Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables
Denzel Washington - Flight
Alt: Joaquin Phoenix - The Master
The milkshake-drinking president is locked.  Cooper, believe it or not, is the next safest.  The next three + Joaquin are duking it out.  The preferential voting should push Joauqin to a nomination, but I just can't help but feel he shot himself in the foot with his comments earlier in the season. 
Alan Arkin - Argo
Robert De Niro - Silver Linings Playbook
Philip Seymour Hoffman - The Master
Tommy Lee Jones - Lincoln
Christoph Waltz - Django Unchained
Alt: Leonardo Dicaprio - Django Unchained
Or Javier Bardem, Dwight Henry, Matthew McConaughey, Samuel L. Jackson, Ewan McGregor?  It would be awesome if after inexplicably getting shafted by the Globes, SAG and BAFTA, McConaughey still gets nominated.  Hooray, male strippers!
Amy Adams - The Master
Sally Field - Lincoln
Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
Helen Hunt - The Sessions
Nicole Kidman - The Paperboy
Alt: Maggie Smith - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Or Judi Dench or Ann Dowd.  Man, I really want to throw Amy out and put Ann in?!?!  I can't help but feel that I'll end up being disappointed in the morning for buying into the Kidman hype.  This category is so weird this year?  I really do wonder what would happen if there was no Les Miserables?  Would Anne have gotten in anyways for The Dark Knight Rises?  But who would win?  They really wouldn't give Sally Field a third.  Field and Hathaway are going to absorb a lot of #1's, which means there's a surprise lurking here.
Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty
Marion Cotillard - Rust and Bone
Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook
Quvenzhane Wallis - Beasts of the Southern Wild
Naomi Watts - The Impossible
Alt: Emmanuelle Riva - Amour
I can't see Helen Mirren taking up a lot of top lines of ballots.  Watts is just campaigning too hard to miss.  Given the outpouring for her, It'd be hugely shocking to be snubbed. 
Argo - Les Miserables - Life of Pi - Lincoln - Zero Dark Thirty
6. Silver Linings Playbook
7. Django Unchained
8. Amour
9. Moonrise Kingdom
10. Beasts of the Southern Wild
Alt: The Master
There, I'm predicting 8 Best Picture nominees. 
Lincoln - 12
Life of Pi - 9
Django Unchained - 7
Les Miserables - 7
Zero Dark Thirty - 7
Argo - 6
Silver Linings Playbook - 5
Amour - 3

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