Monday, January 7, 2013

Oscar Nominees To Be Announced By....

Emma Stone and Seth MacFarlane.

This is pretty shocking.  In a steep break with tradition, the nominees won't be announced by the current Academy President and a former nominee/winner.  I don't recall the last non-nominee to co-announce, if there ever was one, but the last host to co-announce was apparently Charleton Heston back in 1972.  After being the very best thing about last year's ceremony, perhaps Emma Stone will rub some of her magic mojo onto Seth.  He'll desperately need it.  Here's hoping he keeps the voices to a minimum both Thursday morning and Oscar night. 

So, busy week ahead:
Tuesday: DGA Noms
Wednesday: Bafta Noms
Thursday: Oscar Noms & BFCA Ceremony & ACE Noms
Sunday: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Bring You The Golden Globes

I'm hoping they iron out this schedule for next year.  Variety just posted an interesting article that because of the Olympics, the Oscars probably won't happen until the beginning of March.  However, every other award show and the Super Bowl now has to claim spots before the Olympics.  Thus making a very very crowded January.  And meaning some award shows might have to change days of the week.  I know in the past SAG has aired on Saturday nights, and the Globes once aired a Monday night.  The Oscars also used to air Monday nights.  It'll be interesting to watch that all play out. 

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