Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oscar Nom Thoughts: Extremely Good and Incredibly Gross

OSCAR NOMINEE KRISTEN WIIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's all, really.

No, there's more.

I told ya there would be surprises. Except for supporting actress, each acting category produced one. Bechir and Oldman, over Dicaprio and Fassbender! Mara over Swinton! We all thought Glenn Close was running 5th, poor Tilda. And supporting actor was the one place we knew a surprise was lurking. The screenplay categories are pretty solid.

The song category sucks ass? They really should have just cancelled it this year. Though Bret McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords is now an Oscar-nominee.

Terrence Malick and Tree of Life - WONDERFUL!!!! SO HAPPY.

Jennifer Lawrence did a great job and looked lovely. She rocks the dark hair, but I prefer her as a blonde. Gorgeous!

But, let's forget about all that and focus on what will be remembered about this morning.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!

Oy vey. That is really not good at all, and will probably mean next year we'll be back to 5 nominees. Between this and War Horse, well....

It seems we have a strong internal battle from AMPAS with the old guard vs the new guard. I've said it before, if you haven't made a movie in 10 years and are not an Oscar winner or previous nominee, your membership should be revoked. Even most people acknowledged that screenings for Extremely Loud were lukewarm at best. This nomination feels bought. Not really, but given how the 5% thing works, its possible that the system can in a way be manipulated. You know it, I'm going to corfirm it now: Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks and Stephen Daldry are evil. Daldry has now had three movies get Picture noms, two of which had pretty mediocre to awful reviews.

But bleh.

This is a wild mixed bag, but thankfully there were surprises. You have to take the good with the bad, and I'm just happy for Bridesmaids and Tree of Life. And Woody Allen. My three favorite films so far this year!

Fuck, now I have to see that stupid Thomas Horn movie. UGH!

Every Oscar post from now till Oscar night shall have a Wiig-gif.

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