Thursday, August 4, 2011

AMPAS shoves its head further up its ass....

...and hires Don Mischer and Brett Ratner to produce the 84th Academy Awards.

Mischer was the coproducer of this year's much maligned show. Brett Ratner is the biggest hack in Hollywood.

So with that announcement, I'm guessing the next one will be James Franco and David Letterman cohosting the ceremony.

At this point, I don't even get what they are trying to do with the actual show. Does it even matter to AMPAS anymore? As I've said before, the best thing would be for the show to go the way of the Tonys so they stop caring about ratings and just focus on putting on a good, memorable show.

It seemed like we were headed in a good direction with the recent announcement of Best Picture slots being anywhere from 5 to 10.

AMPAS takes one step forward, two back.

But hey, at least there's the chance of the Olsen Twins being in the audience to support baby sis, right? And Oprah will be an Oscar winner!

1 comment:

Dan said...

I liked the third xmen :p