Thursday, March 24, 2011

Box Office: Spike the Punch

1. Sucker Punch - $24m / $24m / $60m
2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 - $22m / $22m / $70m
3. Limitless - $10m / $36.5m / $60m
4. Rango - $9m / $105.5m / $128m
5. Lincoln Lawyer - $8.5m / $26.5m / $46m
6. Battle: Los Angeles - $8m / $73m / $92m
7. Paul - $7m / $24m / $40m
8. Red Riding Hood - $4m / $32m / $40m
9. Mars Needs Moms - $3.5m / $20.5m / $28m
10. Adjustment Bureau - $3m / $53.5m / $60m

The original Wimpy Kid, which opened around one year ago, made over $20m in its opening weekend, but didn't have the typical family film legs. It faced How to Train Your Dragon, but this one has lighter competition for now. A #1 victory for the sequel isn't out of the question, as Sucker Punch could go either way. The reviews were held off till late, and most coming out aren't the kindest. I think the special effects and hot girrrrrls should save it from bombing spectacularly. Shocked that Limitless did as well as it did last weekend, I guess people love Cooper now.

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