SAG is ALWAYS a boring show. It has some occasional fun moments - two years ago when Meryl Streep did a Price is Right style entrance after winning her award, the Betty White tribute last year and Amy Poehler/John Krasinski presenting whenever that was. But for the most part, I just watch for the winners and dresses.
It seemed like easy victories for The Fighter and David Fincher this weekend, that was to no avail. The King's Speech now has won 3 major American guilds and is ineligible for the last - WGA. I guess that will go to Inception? It just seems so odd. I bet Golden Globe voters are really kicking themselves for giving it to The Social Network. BAFTA's in two weeks and its a pretty easy call what will win there.
As for the SAGs, the dresses were boring for the most part and so were the speeches. Natalie is improving, and Colin Firth is very graceful. Melissa Leo acts exasperated, and Christian Bale's Oscar speech will be half the show. Hopefully, he cleans up a little more for the big night.
I'll go with Jennifer Lawrence, Mila Kunis and Nicole Kidman if only because their looks were at least interesting. I'm not sold on all three, but I did love Lea Michelle, Hilary Swank and Sofia Vergara. The only problem with them is that I feel I've seen those dresses several times before. In typical SAG fashion, no risks and pretty safe choices. I did sorta like Melissa Leo and Amy Adams, but both outfits were way too tight in the midsection. And hey, Helena Bonham Carter was actually pretty well dressed. Which is kind of a disappointment? And I LOVED Amy Poehler's hair. Oh, totally forgot Tina Fey - she looked great. I've noticed she looks pretty great when she doesn't stick to blue or black.
OMG- E! FIRE GULLIANA! You know, I used to like her. She was one of the better E! people. Now, she's a fucking trainwreck. It was hilarious some of the expressions she was getting from celebrities - Krasinski, Franco and Portman, notably - they really thought she was some kind of joke. I think Seacrest might even be better because it seems like the celebrities pity him. Oddly, TV Guide channel had red carpet coverage for this, but didn't for the Globes? Strange. Yeah, get rid of Rancic. That was really painful to watch. And what was with the Kardashians showing up 10 minutes before showtime as if they are big enough stars to do that? What was with them being there at all? Ugh. E! is really starting to piss me off. A network that is only worth it for Joel McHale and Chelsea Handler. Nothing else.
+Did Betty White get the only standing O of the night other than Borgnine (sidenote: BLECK!)?
+The acting clips were decent, but they are always very short.
+Amy Poehler's line before she announced the winners was AWESOME - I think she would make a fantastic Oscar host. But anyone who knows me knows how much of a fan of hers I am.
+Winona's reaction (see above) was like epic. Almost as great as Blanchett's Oscar clip reaction 3 years back.
+How is it that this show is more or less done in the same style as the Globes yet those are so so so so so much more FUN?
+Justin Timberlake needs to tone down his douchebagness.
I guess that's it. I really can't remember much else from this show, but that's usually the case here.
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