Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Globe Commentary, Reactions, Blah Blah

LOL @ Katie Holmes having to read both Nicole Kidman and Michelle Williams's names.


They somehow managed to make the comedy nominations even worse than expected. Instead of going indie cause there weren't that many options, let's just double up on the Depp and nominate Kevin Spacey for a movie that is being universally panned. And The Tourist, UGH. Weird that the lack of contenders allowed Jake Gyllenhaal to get his first nomination. I'd also like to add that Alice In Wonderland was one of the biggest pieces of shit I've seen in awhile.

Congrats to Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, Mila Kunis, aforementioned Gyllenhaal and Jesse Eisenberg on their first noms.

Congrats to Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway on their second.

Congrats to Nicole Kidman on her eighth!

True Grit is the big snubbee of the morning receiving zero noms. I'm expecting it to get 2 or 3 SAG nods on Thursday, so this is only a minor setback.

Inception showing up is nice vengeance for The Dark Knight. Hopefully AMPAS follows suit.

Halle Berry kissed enough ass and gave away enough free tickets to her panned vanity project that they gave her a nomination.


LOL @ nominees Julia Stiles and Piper Perabo. Are we back in 2001? Jennifer Love Hewitt also got nominated. You stay classy, HFPA.

YAH @ Sofia and Eric. I figured Sofia would get in, but I'm happy that Stonestreet is there as well. Probably the two funniest people on TV right now.

The Walking Dead apparently took over True Blood's horror in drama slot. Woot!

Glad Chris Colfer got in.

I wish Parks and Recreation or Community could get some love. Surprising that they gave a nod to Big Bang Theory as it seemed they never really cared for CBS's comedy lineup. That makes two of us.

I hope Temple Grandin comes to this show too.

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