Thursday, January 10, 2013

Broadcast Film Critics Association "Critics Choice" Winners!

Best Picture: Argo
Best Director: Ben Affleck - Argo
Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty
Best Supporting Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman - The Master
Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
Best Ensemble Performance: Silver Linings Playbook
Best Original Screenplay: Django Unchained
Best Adapted Screenplay: Lincoln
Best Documentary: Searching for Sugar Man
Best Aniamted Feature: Wreck-It Ralph
Best Foreign Language Film: Amour
Best Song: "Skyfall" - Skyfall
Best Score: Lincoln
Best Cinematography: Life of Pi
Best Art Direction: Anna Karenina
Best Costume Design: Anna Karenina
Best Editing: Zero Dark Thirty
Best Makeup: Cloud Atlas
Best Visual Effects: Life of Pi
Best Comedy Movie: Silver Linings Playbook
Best Comedy Actor: Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Best Comedy Actress: Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook
Best Sci-fi/Horror Film: Looper
Best Action Film: Skyfall
Best Action Actor: Daniel Craig - Skyfall
Best Action Actress: Jennifer Lawrence - The Hunger Games
Best Young Actor/Actress: Quvenzhane Wallis - Beasts of the Southern Wild

So these were even more D-list than usual.  Sam Rubin is like a Z-grade entertainment journalist, and shouldn't be hosting something that is trying so hard to be a lot more important than it is.  Those critic introductions - particularly that 14-year-old - were fucking terrible.  No wonder these sucked so bad? 

All of the actresses in the audience looked like they were freezing.  Emily Blunt looked gorgeous.  I didn't see all of the womens' looks, but her and Jennifer Lawrence are so far best dressed. 

As for speeches, the acting winners were actually quite good.  Daniel Day-Lewis kinda rambled, Jessica Chastain gave a nice emotional moment to her excellent (Oscar-snubbed) director, Jennifer Lawrence really nailed the comedy speech as did Bradley Cooper.  They were both quite lovely?  Philip Seymour Hoffman wasn't there.  Quvenzhane's confident walk on stage was probably my favorite moment of the night. 

I loved the Looper producer giving a shoutout to Cabin In The Woods, calling it the most fun he had in theaters all year.

I thought Rebel Wilson's presenting to Judd Apatow some random award was really fun.  George Clooney and Ben Affleck seemed to think she was funny, too.  

Now, I'm going to talk about Anne Hathaway.  She was fine.  People were dreading her first of many speeches.  If this is a preview of what we are in for, then the haters really should rethink their mark on her back.  It was a nice, simple speech and she did call them out for misspelling her name on the TV/marquee thinger.  Obviously, to haters, that makes her insufferable/trying too hard/full of herself/.  I'm sure if Sally Field did it, it would have been greeted by WOOTS and "you go girl!"  She laughed it off, but people will see what they want with her.  They always do.  I was going to post a long entry on this blog about my feelings about Anne and why its been so difficult these past couple of months to be a fan of hers.  I HONESTLY WHOLE HEARTEDLY don't get the hate aimed at her and probably never will.  She seems like a fun, well-spoken gal, a tad eccentric, sure.  But she's an actress.  I don't feel like getting into it any more.  Her performance in The Dark Knight Rises is far superior to Les Miserables.  While I'm happy she'll be an Oscar-winner, I can't help but feel she has and has had far greater performances in her than Les Miserables.  Put her name on the long list of people who win Oscars for the wrong film. 

Now, I'm going to talk about Ben Affleck.  I was very happy he won after the snub this morning.  Even if I consider Argo to be barely above average entertainment, sleekly made sure, his snub really made no sense whatsoever.  People said that even Spielberg being snubbed would have made more sense and I definitely agree.  It has to hurt to get this far, and then prematurely ejaculate (so to speak).  Him and Bigelow did look a little sad, and it looked at one point during tonight's show that someone was comforting Kathryn.  Both Ben and Kathryn are previous winners, and despite that it probably made them sad to miss out.  We sometimes forget that these people have legitimate stakes in this game - paychecks, financing for upcoming films, clout, industry respect, etc. 

Now, I'm going to talk about Matthew McConaughey.  This, other than the Independent Spirit Award where he's a double nominee, is the only major nomination he got.  If you know me, you know I highly disliked Matthew prior to this year.  His performance in Dazed and Confused is good, but the rest are all interchangeable.  Matthew gave two of my favorite performances of the year, and I fully supported his brief run in this year's awards.  He should've gotten the Oscar nod.  He deserved it.  Maybe people saw those shocking weight loss photos and decided to wait to nominate him for that, given how omnipresent the stories of his drastic drop was.  I actually love to be proven wrong when it comes to these things and look forward to the future performances of McConaughey.

Now, I'm done talking about this award show.   I mean, they introduced Eva Longoria as a star of Desperate Housewives.  How long is she going to milk that?  Ugh, and that 14-year-old critic was insufferable.  Action Jackson something?  Yes, you let him say something on your show and you expect us to take you seriously. 

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