Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Globe Thoughts:

These were pretty awful, I thought?

Maybe not awful, but the actual show was pretty boring. Which is odd for the Globes. And interestingly enough, I'd much rather watch the Critics Choice awards again. Yes, they were an awful trainwreck. I'd say that is sometimes better than just a dull, boring show.

Don't get me started on Cameron beating Bigelow. Total joke. There were a lot of unexpected winners, and most of the people who beat them may have slightly deserved the award, but didn't deserve to beat out who they beat out. Make sense? I love Chloe Sevigny. But OVER JANE LYNCH? I can't believe Avatar actually won. BUT THE HANGOVER???????


Talk about a totally mediocre movie only becoming a huge hit because a bunch of dumbass frat boys hi-fived each other coming out of the theatre.


We're in trouble when the best part of the evening was Julia Roberts drunk on the NBC pre-show. LOL That was my fave part of the night. It was like Tom Hanks had to prop her up. Love ya, Julia! "Who's Natalie?" "Your network's in the toilet right now!" Ugh, stupid Billy Bush. What an assclown running though all those people trying to stop them when they just want to get inside cuz they are wet.

Ricky Gervais wasn't used nearly enough. Everytime he came out, I though "oh', that's right, he's hosting." His introduction to Mel Gibson was fucking hilarious, and I have to give Mel props for being a good sport. Even if he's one of the people I despise the most in this world.

No really memorable speeches, the only ones I really liked being Martin Scorsese's and Mo'nique's. Everyone else just listed names and only showed some slight emotion. Drew Barrymore was sort of a wonderful trainwreck, and she was clearly moved. I liked Meryl, but she sort of rambled.

I did love Nicole giving the award to Mo'nique. And to all the haters who have bashed Kidman's appearance the past couple of years, she looked absolutely amazing. Not frozen. Not puffy. Simple and elegant.

More randomness:

Christoph Waltz needs to stop turning his speech into a play on the name of the award show. So I guess this weekend I'm going to hear about how his heart is SAGging because it is so full of love and respect for his Basterds comrads.

Emily Blunt was either in the center of the room or is some kind of stalker. Everytime the camera cut to someone, I swear Emily was right behind them.

Amy Adams was sitting with Kate Winslet. I don't know why that's worth noting, but I felt it imperative to point out.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt seemed really happy.

Brendan Fraser was really drunk. And there for no reason.

I really liked when Maggie Gyllenhaal just appeared on stage. Then she talked about Haiti. I'm not sure if this was planned.

Harrison Ford is apparently miserable.

I want to bone Sam Worthington SO. BAD.

Jeremy Renner really loves Kathryn Bigelow.

So aftershow...

Meryl Streep was in the press room saying FUCK FUCK FUCK. LOL E! coule barely bleep it.

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard were talking about how much they love Michael Haneke to one of the E! reporters, who clearly had no idea what they were talking about. To be fair, they probably could have stated any director and E! would have no clue. BUT OMG WHAT ARE THE KARDASHIANS DOING RIGHT NOW? Ugh, I hate that I had to mention that awful famewhore of a family on my blog.

I'll work on my best dressed list for later.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I missed your globe-iness